Automate risk underwriting

Save significantly on operations costs and eliminate human error by automating each element of application reviews: document validation, information checks & financial calculations.

We’re trusted by the world's leading companies

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Hours of manual reviews a week can be automated and made far more efficient with our technology.


£40,000 is the average cost to a business of a risky applicant who defaults. Reduce the damages caused by human errors with automation.


Increase approvals of consumer applications by 25% by processing significantly more applications without increasing risk exposure.

Automated vs manual risk underwriting

Protect your business’s bottom line during a global economic crisis by maximising efficiency and risk protection whilst streamlining costs.

Find more application fraud more quickly

Homeppl finds that up to 10% of all documents attached to consumer applications have been tampered with. Instantly check for document manipulation, check fraud databases, verify identity documents and income sources at scale and with speed.

Discover more about our full Homeppl qualification check >

Auto-reject or approve applicants easily

Define your own risk appetite so we qualify customers who meet your requirements. Instantly flag and discard suspicious or fraudulent applications at the point of quote. Save time by auto-rejecting valueless applications.
Receive an instant risk decision report detailing which elements of the application trigger risk warning signals.

Find out more about Fraud Finder >

Gain instant affordability insights

It can take up to 12 minutes to manually review a document and each applicant submits 5-7 documents on average per application. With automation, make assumptions based on balance, transactions, and income data in seconds.

All financial data is securely extracted from the applicant’s bank statements.

Discover more about affordability insight reports >

Eliminate human error

With automation, you can process hundreds of documents simultaneously and ensure no calculation or spelling errors are made.

Ensure that transactions and statement balances match; addresses are valid; account information and numbers all align with the rest of the application; all documents are valid and authentic.

Discover more about our information data extraction tool >

challenges we solve

Unique creditworthiness analysis technology

How do we increase the application approval rate of our clients by 25% without increasing fraud and risk exposure?
Open banking algorithms
Instant income and affordability verification for consumers.
Document analysis
Unique technology that demonstrates modifications to authentic documents.
Data enrichment
We collect financial, residential, behavioural and digital data for our risk assessments.
Convert bank statements into JSON
As unified code, we retrieve, group, analyse & present actionable affordability insights.

Explore other challenges we solve with our technology

Whether you’re looking to reduce fraud loss, onboard customers, make better credit decisions, know more about your customers, reduce operational friction or approve more applications, we have a range of products to serve a range of industries.

Automate underwriting
Reduce operations costs when you automate tedious manual application reviews. Eliminate the risk of human error. Our AML and KYC checks ensure regulatory compliance.
Assess affordability
Create instant financial and affordability insights from any bank statement. Verify income sources, uncover spending behaviour and any suspicious payments activity.
Create financial products
Take advantage of flexible guarantees that work universally. Offer same-day-repay protection on liabilities and assets as a premium financial product.

Reap the full business benefits of powerful automation

We'll provide a short no-obligation demo of each element of our fraud tech, book below:

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